What are the reasons for hair loss?
Hair loss is a natural daily occurrence. On the average, 50 to 150 hairs are lost each day, but most hair regrows because the hair follicle remains. When shedding significantly exceeds hair growth, baldness occurs.
So Now Let's Talk....
Normally, Hair loss is caused by Heredity, Hormones and Age.
Genetic makeup deter-mines if hair follicles are sensitive to the DHT hormone (dihydrotestosterone), causing them to shrink.
This "shrinkage" results in overall thinning hair with time. In addition, the aging process can weaken the hair follicle and consequently the hair shaft. This causes thinning hair and balding - permanent hair loss. Normal hair shedding versus permanent hair loss
Hair loss is a natural daily occurrence. Every hair on your head adheres to a genetically programmed schedule that includes hair growth, resting and hair shedding. On the average, 50 to 150 hairs are lost each day, but because the hair follicle remains most hair regrows. Baldness occurs when shedding significantly exceeds hair growth.
Genetic Origins of Hereditary Hair Loss
In 95% of hair loss patients, hair loss is inherited. Specifically, it's the genetic coding that hair follicles receive during formation in the womb. These hair loss genes make certain hair follicles sensitive to the DHT hormone, or dihydrotestosterone. When this link is made, the hair follicle begins to shrink. It's first noticed as thinning hair, since the hair follicle begins producing only a very thin,short hair. Eventually the hair follicle dies and permanent baldness and hair loss occurs.
Stress and Other Factors in Hair Loss
**High levels of stress has been known to cause some hair loss, but it is usually temporary.
I remember my two best friends, both at the same time, it seem as if a light bulb went off at the same time..they became aware of me twisting my hair off my head as we sit talking...talking and talking I was doing, about how I was not upset at what my boyfriend had done or made me feel...It was obviously very bad, as we were having a sit-down-about-it...The Head and Tail of it is that I was literary twirling my hair off of my head, while having a calm conversation with my two best friends...
- Autoimmune disease, the use of certain drugs, illness and severe nutritional deficiency may also cause hair loss or promote early male pattern baldness.
What we put into our Body is vital to so many functionality, therefore it has to continously flow..
Trauma to the head accompanied by scarring can cause permanent damage to hair follicles.
Even tight hairdos like braids can create tension that can inflame hair follicles, destroying them and stopping hair growth. But 95% of the time hair loss and baldness is genetic.